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Old 2008-01-29, 19:03   Link #21
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Just to recap .... ADV did some "unusual" things -- pulled off many of the upcoming release ads off their site, initiated a discount sale, and had "no comment" when queried at a conference.

*Anything else is just rumor or speculation. It could easily be just that ADV is continuing in its clueless tradition of terrible public relations about what they're doing.
*It could be that their website is *still* apparently run as ineptly as it has always been (in terms of content maintenance).
*It could be that the spokesperson didn't have a talking points sheet for an unexpected question and decided to clam up.

(sorry, but I'm laughing too hard at this point to come up with more).

My advice is for people to archive their fansubs whether they buy the series or not. Reliability doesn't seem to be much of an attribute at the moment.
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