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Old 2007-11-27, 21:08   Link #1
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Touka Gettan (Game by ROOT)

I understand that its usual to ask questions about game-based series in the thread that discusses the series. I tried to watch it, but it eventually diverged too much from what the game appeared to depict (I'm basing this on the CG collection of the game) and got too fanservicey for my taste.

Since the anime doesn't seem to be the place to go to get questions about what the game was about answered, I thought I'd get some more answers here. I know some users here have played it, as since I've seen it being mentioned in "the favourite eroge" thread. If some of those users might be so gracious as to share their knowledge with fans like me who who like visual novels but have no knowledge of Japanese, I (and the rest of the posters here who might fit that category) would be most grateful.

There are SPOILERS from here on in. Please remember that the little I can divine from game comes from the CG pack.

Spoiler for Touka Gettan:

I think those questions will do for now. I'll ask more if someone is so kind as to answer my current questions. Why not share the wealth?
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