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Old 2010-02-15, 17:44   Link #361
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Originally Posted by quigonkenny View Post
Oh, he means it all right. Not as much as he makes it seem (that's one of the points of Disappearance), but he does have problems with Haruhi, almost more in volume than in nature, aside from her odd sociopathic Kick the Dog moments here and there. She's largely rectified the situation herself by dialing it down from 11, but she still has her lapses now and again. I'm willing to bet that's why Tanigawa gradually introduced the Anti-dan to take part of Haruhi's role in the plot, since Haruhi has gradually been moving from antagonist to McGuffin.

I beg to differ. As much as Kyon may bitch and moan and try to get out of dealing with things, when it gets down to it, he's usually right there at the end resolving the issue at hand. Whether it's killing Haruhi's latest collateral damage-creating buzz, or figuring out what to get Yuki or Itsuki to do to solve the problem (since they rarely act on their own unless it's to stage a problem), or running out into the street to save a little kid and by extension the existence of Mikuru, or changing/ensuring history, or taking a knife in the gut, he's earned his keep. No doubt. The fact that he has flaws only makes him a more interesting character.

I think if Yuki had changed certain things less, primarily herself, he might have considered staying. It wasn't just the SOS-dan members he missed, because he ended up gathering them all up anyway. what he missed were his SOS-dan members, the moe moe Mikuru, the tacit alien bookworm Yuki, and even the force of nature Haruhi. Itsuki he probably liked better as the Yukiverse version... ^_^

Don't let them get you down on the man. He's just a flawed person like the rest of us (his entire point of being). They're just all upset because he's his own primary cause of shipping failure... ^_^

Think about the way existence must seem for Yuki. You are aware of things on a level that is not even conceivable to the human mind. You are constantly in contact with a mind-bogglingly LARGE existence, only it's not so much "in contact with" as on several levels you are it. Now you're about to drop your own considerable existence into the mind of a real human. I'd say it's the equivalent of cutting away your cerebrum, crawling into a thimble, and welding it shut behind you, but that doesn't begin to describe it. The idea of that has to absolutely terrify her, only to be topped by the realization that she can't stop herself from doing it. Wouldn't you want a familiar face around, one who at least on some level can relate to what you're going through?

And she couldn't stop Ryoko any more than Mikuru(small) would have been able to. Tell me that watching that wasn't the icing on her horror cake...

I don't remember that line about Koyouen. I remember a line about the school, but can't remember if they were saying it became co-ed recently or had always been, but there's no reason that memory changes couldn't be part of the Yukification of the world. May not be able to change the fact that 366 days ago it was an all-girls school, but you can certainly change everyone's memories from 365 days ago of it ever having been an all-girls school.

Wow. What is with all the Kyon hate? That's a massive Flanderization based on one incident in Volume 7 where he was a little too busy saving the world (as usual) to realize that Yuki might have taken an invitation to the library a little more seriously than he did. Granted, it took Mikuru(small) to point it out (obvious much?), but it's quite an exception.
When I said that I didn't like Kyon as much as I had it was moreso that he was my absolute favorite anime character, but now that I've looked at aspects of the other members (and even Tsuruya-san) thanks to discussions last fall on this board, I find myself admiring their characters more and less. When you're at the top, there's nowhere else to go but down. I do like the guy still, in fact I prefer him over Yuki and Asakura (I tried to get an Asakura avatar/signature image trend going, but alas failure). I believe right now is just a period where fans aren't particularly fond of Kyon due to the 2009 episodes where it took him eight episodes to end the loop and then almost punched Haruhi for (in the anime) a minor occurrence of getting Mikuru drunk and tapping her on the head. Yuki made her world perfect for trying to capture Kyon's heart for herself, but there was one thing that prevented that from happening: Haruhi Suzumiya in both worlds. If it wasn't for the Kouyouen Haruhi taking action, Kyon wouldn't have been able to go back. If it wasn't for the memory of Haruhi from the normal world, Kyon wouldn't have raced to find that Haruhi.

As for Yuki, I picture her as an organic computer when she was first made that's grown to experience life as a human and all that's come with it. I don't want to give too much away to try and entire people to read my post, so I'll stop my point there. I do agree that seeing Ryoko stab the person you're falling for and not being able to do anything about is a gutwrenching feeling. Just look at how Mikuru couldn't even see straight when that happened. I think that's possibly why she refused to synchronize with the December 18th version; to try and say "I'm not going to make this mistake happen again. He's decided and I'll protect him from now on."

Here's the line from B-T's translation:
"If I'm not mistaken, she's enrolled in the high school at the bottom of the hill, just in front of the station. She's already a bright person, so it's only natural that she would study in such an elite high school."

Elite school?

"Is Kouyouen really that good? I thought they were a girl's school for the rich and famous."

Taniguchi looked at me with pitiable eyes and said,

"Kyon, I don't know what they told you in junior high, but that school's always been co-ed. Not to mention it's one of the top schools in university entrance rate in this prefecture. To have such a school in our district really pisses me off!"
Kaisos, your line made me laugh. Evidently Haruhi's power is the power of plot devices! If you have no objection, I may use that in my post tomorrow.

“Nyahaha! Then we move to round two, Hero! ★”
Chuunibyou translation: 1st novel - OUT/ 2nd novel - OUT
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