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Old 2008-09-28, 11:21   Link #17
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Bokura ga Ita The couple is dating and in a realistic relationship.

Mars A very realistic romance manga, the couple is dating and in a passionate relationship with sex, lots of kissing, eloping, living together, getting engaged and the break up is very deep and emotional. The couple is dating and boyfriend and girlfriend and living together and engaged and in a deep, committed relationship.

Ceres Celestial Legend The manga only, the main couple are dating, have sex many times, make out in bed, have hundreds of kissing scenes and they have very tragic break ups in the manga, especially when the main character is pregnant with his kid. The manga is much deeper and more emotional than the show, the couple break up way more in the show, the manga has lots of making out in bed and sex which was cut from the show.

Kare First Love Realistic romance manga, the couple is dating and in a relationship with kissing, sex and very realistic and committed relationship.

Wild Act An amazing romance manga, the couple is boyfriend and girlfriend and dating and in a serious relationship. Lots of kissing and sex.

Fushigi Yuugi In the Fushigi Yugi manga, the couple is dating and in a mature relationship, the first half of the manga the couple is dating and their relationship faces many challenges and they break up a lot and get back together, the second half of the manga, which wasn't in the show, the couple is engaged and in a deep, committed relationship, there is lots of making out and an amazing sex scene in the manga.

Fushigi Yugi has a couple that is dating, boyfriend and girlfriend, in a relationship, engaged and deeply devoted. Their relationship is much deeper, more mature and more passionate in the manga and they are engaged for a much longer time and have a much more romantic and passionate sex scene.

The Devil Does Exist Very realistic romance manga.

High School Debut In this manga, the couple is dating and in a relationship.

Black Bird Romance series.

Marmalade Boy In the second season, the couple is dating and in a relationship and boyfriend and girlfriend.

Happy Hustle High The couple is dating and boyfriend and girlfriend during the entire series and don't break up at all and extremely committed and devoted.

Sailor Moon Usagi and Mamoru are in a deep, committed, epic relationship. They are boyfriend and girlfriend for four seasons, get engaged, get married, become husband and wife in the future, have a kid, become king and queen, go through battles and break ups and death and a long distance relationship, brainwashing and have many obstacles in their relationship and are deeply devoted to each other. They are dating in four seasons and are a couple for over 100 episodes without breaking up. The show is 200 episodes and they are dating and engaged for a very long time, they have met their future child and their future selves. The manga their relationship is much deeper and more passionate, more making out in bed, the break up in the show wasn't in the manga, their wedding is shown, the relationship is more intimate and passionate. The relationship gets deep after the first season, the second, third and fourth season focuses more on their relationship, the first season focuses on the challenges, the second, third and fourth season focuses on them dating and being a couple.

Peach Girl Two couples.

Paradise Kiss Great romance series.

Absolute Boyfriend Couple dating and in a relationship.

Ultra Cute Dating.

Missile Happy! The couple is engaged and living together, sweet romance.

Akuma De Sourou Amazing romance manga, the couple is boyfriend and girlfriend and in a series relationship.

Land of the Blindfolded Sweet romance manga.

B.O.D.Y. Great romance.

Last edited by MamoruUsagi; 2010-08-15 at 17:03.
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