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Old 2010-03-13, 16:21   Link #215
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Originally Posted by Marcus H. View Post
Time travel would be too complicated, even more complicated than calculating with the involvement of the 11th dimension. Awaki Musujime, a powerful long-distance Teleporter at Level 4 has developed a trauma of using her powers on herself because she experienced being stuck waist-down on concrete after teleporting.
Well, what i meant was an arch that included some aspect of time travel and the fun involved with paradoxes and stuff like that. You don't actually need a time traveling power. Since some abilities are FTL, information can be sent through time by utilizing these powers. If so i can imagine a story arch based on a time travel mechanism which is an affect of an unrelated ability. I think it would be really interesting and probably a good direction from a creative point of view. I was just wondering why we don't have any Time travel archs yet. (also, abilities which use frames of reference close to the SoL could experience weird relativistic effects which would also be interesting as a story device)

Originally Posted by Marcus H. View Post
Another thing to ponder on is that the 11th Dimension is somewhat misleading because there are no 5-10th dimensions to begin with, well, AFAIK. Teleportation and some other powers require manipulation of 3 dimensions, but Time Travel would require both mastery of the 3 dimensions plus the ability to manipulate the 4th dimension on himself, which would be a whole new world of calculations.
once again, since we are speculating abilities which already break the laws of physics, i doubt it matters to much. You don't necessarily need to manipulate any dimensions for time traveling, you just need to travel fast enough. Also in terms of calculation you are correct in assuming it would be more difficult. Although probably more so conceptually, then computationally.

Actually, time isn't a '4th dimension' in the sense that the other dimensions are. It's only called that because it's convenient to conceptualize it as a 'fourth axis' visually. The actual 4th dimension, as well as dimensions 5-11, are actually further spatial dimensions.
First of all space and time are the same thing, they exist in a single inseparable fabric we call spacetime. Dimensions are just ways we conceptually divide this fabric to understand it easier. In all practicality, physicist treat space and time the same. In this way time is the forth dimension. The only difference is, there is only a single direction to it. There are many interesting ways to explain the arrow of time, the most correct in my opinion is that the directionality is an emergent property of physical laws. At the atomic level, an event is equally valid either way through the forth dimension, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Yet, at larger scales this doesn't hold true, and part of that has to do with probability, specifically in terms of entropy. Entropy defines the arrow of time, systems generally decay from states of low entropy, that is specific organization, to states of high entropy, chaotic organization. This happens because in large systems there are many more ways to arrange particle without order that there are to arrange them with order.

If you imagine the brain as a computational system, it is much easier for it to discern simple and more ordered systems than chaotic ones. Thus, its easier for us to think of past events, which are computational simple, then to think of future events which are harder to calculate. That is why the human mind perceives an arrow that is not necessarily true. The universe works just as well forwards as backwards, just only way is computationally simpler to understand.

This is probably not the best explanation, and if your interested in this topic you should search for "entropy and the arrow of time"

Sol Falling, you are basically correct about string theory (now membrane theory), the only thing i'd caution you on is that String theory is one of those ideas that has been and might always will be 10 years from completion. Its a nice idea, but by no means the correct one. I do believe that there are probably other dimensions, and that reality is much grander than we imagine, or can possible imagine.

(teleporters and timetravelers - its the same thing - are forth dimensional beings)
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