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Old 2012-10-14, 18:30   Link #4618
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Originally Posted by ReaperxKingx View Post
*Sigh* I am getting a bit tired of debating this. My explanation is quite simple to understand, I usually don't point out answers for people's questions, I usually provide information for them to answer themselves like here. Gods are born of Myths, therefore their origin is born from the belief of those myths. Human beings are animals born from each other so therefore they are not Myths. Quite impossible for Perseus to be a Campione since he originated from Myths. As for beings who can become Campiones, any human can as long as Pandora's requirements are fulfilled. Essentially all that is needed is a couple of miracles and the sacrifice of a God. Reread Vol 3, Erica's explanations are quite simple to explain what Campiones are. Only humans can become Campiones. The Moderators are probably not going to enjoy me posting this, but here is a piece
What debate? I'm not debating here. I'm talking about the entirely speculative real, original, Perseus, who actually existed in history. I am not talking about Perseus the God, this about the hypothetical person who inspired, or whose story was told, in the myth of Perseus. Just because something is a Myth, doesn't mean it doesn't have it's basis in reality, especially in a world like Campione!, where magic and the Gods are real.

I'm also just putting out some idle speculation on whether all the Demi-gods of mythology were actually Demi-gods, or whether some of them were actually Campione's, with the facts distorted by time and distance. This obviously doesn't include ones who were entirely made up.

Anyway, I do accept the logic that a Demi-god can't become a Campione, I'm just asking if that was directly stated, implied or was simply inferred. That's all I'm asking, nothing else. I apologize profosely if I gave you the wrong impression, and for any frustration it might have caused you.
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