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Old 2012-04-17, 13:33   Link #1074
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Hong Kong
Age: 37
Originally Posted by bakAnki View Post
Are the short stories canon, by the way? All I know is that the Ayase's story from drama CD was mentioned on her route on PSP game but PSP game of course is obviously not canon.
They shouldn't be canon...but vol 10 mentioned Kirino's Valentines Day chocolate. Not sure/can't remember if it was referring to the short story though...

Originally Posted by bakAnki View Post
Btw, Watarai made another fan-art of Ayase & Kyousuke again x3

I always loved his/her Ayase artwork.


Ayase is all wet. Kyousuke decides to lend her a change of clothing.

Kyousuke, "Here's a new sweater for you to change into-"
Ayase, "Can I burrow this one instead?"
Kyousuke, "Ah, that one's still hasn't been washed yet-"
Ayase, "(adamant) Can I burrow this?"

Honestly, I will never understand women and their fascination for wearing our used clothing...when I asked my ex girlfriend that, she said she liked the scent...


Okay, long post ahead for relentlessflame's post.


First of all, good to see you here too. Your posts are always fun and inspiring to read.

I'm not sure if you're asking about the non-blood-related or the incest hints though. So I'll explain them both.

The former? There's a few, nothing much to be taken seriously. Like I said, there are hints that support, and some that discourage, it. Kirino is definitely a Kousaka, since Kyousuke said he had witnessed her birth. So Kyousuke is the remaining possibility. As to why vol 10 made it worse, I've already covered that part a few posts back.

Now, the incest.

Okay, the first thing we should all be clear about, is that the ambiguity was deliberate on Fushimi's part, and it has always been a central/reoccurring theme in the series. And why wouldn't he, it makes for good marketing. Even if it's Kyousuke's own words from the novel, Fushimi has stated we should not take anything at face value.

So, naturally, it was always up for us readers on how to interpret it, and that's what I'm doing right now.

The incest hints/ideas were always there, right from the start (there's no denying it). Heck, some people even got that idea simply from the title. It's the elephant in the living room, yet also one of the main draws of the series. For me, even though they were always present, they had only struck me as nothing but teases. The two siblings were just that - siblings trying to patch up their broken bond. Their interactions/relationship never went overboard, nor were there any serious indication that they viewed each other as anything more than family.

Until volume 5, when Kyousuke begged Kirino to return with him. That was the turning point.

It's not so much as what happened in that novel (although it was quite alarming that Kirino gave up everything for a simple "I miss you", or Kuroneko's "Yes, I like you, no less than how your sister does too"), but rather how it changed their relationship.

Let's face it, in order to show their increasingly close bond, Fushimi will have to come up with something new every time, and each one will naturally surpass the last. It was only a matter of time when they would escalate to eyebrow-raising proportions.

From then on, the so called "teases" started to get a little out of hand, especially when romance started to take play.

Vol 7 practically revolved around Kirino trying to get Kyousuke's attention. The date (which was real on Kirino's part, confirmed in vol 8. She conned Kyousuke into taking her out), the fake boyfriend incident (we still don't know why she did it *hint hint*), the sticker photos on their phones, the little accident in vol 8 when Kyousuke landed on Kirino but didn't get up (he just stared at Kirino's beet red face), the fact that Kyousuke refused to get back with Kuroneko because Kirino didn't like it, Kirino started calling him "Kyousuke" - "I don't want 'Kyousuke' to get a girlfriend, but I hate seeing 'aniki' cry more" (why the deliberate differentiation? My answer: she's seeing him as a brother AND one of the opposite sex), "I won't make a girlfriend until Kirino has a boyfriend, but I don't want her to have one either", etc...I'm sure I'm missing a few. And Vol 9 took it to another level altogether...

Not saying anything is certain (again, interpretations vary. I respect everyone's views) but these developments are way too misleading to simply pass them off as simple sibling affection...especially on Kirino's part. I've said it once and I'll say it again, Kirino is definitely in love with Kyousuke, even Kuroneko knows this (partly why Kuroneko's words in vol 10 - you know which - didn't faze me one bit).

The bro/siscon elements are still there, yes, but it's their incredibly close - bordering on intimacy - relationship and actions that made me realized that it wasn't that simple.

Sure, it's okay for extremely close siblings to be against one another from engaging in romance, but the means in which these two did it begs to question whether such an act was something of a more sinister nature.

To me, it's a resounding yes. That kind of affection is not normal, bro/sis-con or not.

However, although it's beyond just sibling affection, it's still not quite into the taboo zone. Yet (because Fushimi will need to come up with something even more daring than the above). Do I want it to go down that route? Yes, because they are the most well-developed couple. I've said it before, the idea of KyousukexKirino came naturally to me. It's not for the incest. Even if they're truly non-blood-related, I'd still root for Kirino.

Incest or not, Kyousuke's and Kirino's feeling will have to be dealt with, that's for sure, unless we are seriously getting an open ending...

So really, if the anime (vol 1~5) has already given you the incest idea, let's just say vol 6 onwards would probably make your eyes pop out...

Again, this is MY interpretation and by God, I will stand by it. Feel free to disagree. I WILL accept and respect your views, but if you're going at argue, please do so with an open mind. The last thing I need is someone telling me I'm wrong by dangling the words "incest" like a fricken talisman in front of me...

"Then, I'll treat you as more important than a hundred people. Even if there were a, a million or a trillion people, even if it means standing against the entire world, I'll still be your friend no matter what." Taka (Kodaka) to Sora (Yozora), "Past", vol 1.

Last edited by VVolf; 2012-04-17 at 16:13.
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