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Old 2012-07-30, 20:54   Link #29882
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2012
It seems androgen resistant males can develop breasts.
Sorry, I phrased that poorly. I meant to say it is possible for androgen resistant males to not have breasts (or gynecomastia in this case).

The grandchildren were all sleeping in the same room with Battler, so they weren't available as first twilight victims either.
Actually, it's interesting how the cousins aren't ever really first twilight victims in Yasu's games, I wonder if it's because they are always around Battler, or because they have less reason than the siblings to play along with a plot/fake murder/whatever. In fact, they don't become victims until game 5, where assumedly they think they are trolling Erika...

Furthermore, we have all overlooked something hugely important. Episode three twilight 2 may be the first time Nanjo actually ever did some correct post-morteming in his life. Though it was weird how specific Ryu was about which part of the brainstem was pierced, a fact I'm not even sure you can tell from the outside all that well.
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