Thread: Licensed Shokugeki no Soma [Manga]
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Old 2012-12-26, 19:45   Link #54
Iron Maw
Join Date: Feb 2006
Ch 5: Those reactions.... I don't even know what anymore.

Gotta loved how over top the faculty in this school is. Hell the french chef only gives out two grades A and E. No wonder the school has such a high failing rate, this almost a sport to teachers! Looking forward to whatever weirdos we got coming out next.

Oh and it's nice that he's got a guinea pig now, guess she will be in both heaven and hell if Souma's tastes are anything to go by.

Originally Posted by aohige View Post
Soma is just waaay too overtalented, though he has a goal to reach his father, the starting line for him is already at the genius level.
One of things like about this chapter is that it shows he can make bad food and still has much to learn. I don't think that Souma isn't so as much "overtalented" but rather that he has a huge amount of experience and intuition. Remember unlike most people Souma was taught how to cook as soon as he could walk and talk. He was already working the kitchen in a professional diner while going to school and being instructed by his apparently world famous Dad. He's had a big head start compared to everyone which is further topped by his creative and resourceful nature that likely came from a result of many failed experiments. Souma being an overachiever plus talented is what makes him a force to reckoned with.
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