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Old 2004-08-22, 18:04   Link #229
Last of the Uchiha
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Puerto Rico
Age: 42
Originally Posted by Ke0
But the other translations did. This isn't LOTR mate, it isn't your translation rules them all
Mine said that Jiraiya might be a match for the # 1 of the Leaf and one of the mist seven shinobi nothing else. All the dialogue concerning Jiraiya was said by Kisame not Itachi, and in a couple of ocassion Kisame said that Itachi could take Jiraiya alone. Don't look at the anime for evidence because the anime is based on the manga, you should know that by now.

2 thing wrong

1. Orochimaru is a jutsu whore, he says it countless times he compares strength based on Jutsu and nothing more. The more you have the stronger you are. He's said that to Sarutobi, and Jiraiya. He has no way other than expirementation to gain new jutsu. I'm sure he has a nice collection, but do you honestly think he has more than Itachi who was in the same know the one that collects extremely powerful and rare jutsu + he has Sharingan. Since Itachi most likely has more, I can easily say Itachi is stronger than Orochimaru not because he just is. But because he has alot more jutsu............Wait......that's how Orochimaru thinks. Now if Itachi says in the best outcome of a Itachi/Kisame/Jiraiya fight that they will beat Jiraiya, but will die themselves, And Orochimaru says the strength between him and Jiraiya still has a big gap with Orochimaru being stronger...........How exactly is Itachi above the Sannin?

2. Orochimaru knows Sarutobi, and his fighting style, he knows what Sarutobi is capable of. Add in he's an old geezer now, he can't perform alot of his jutsu with ease (Notice he did not do bushin after one of his jutsu.........because he was too old, and Orochimaru comments on this, and even says that he's too old.) As Hunter has stated, Sarutobi was probably alot stronger in his prime, and would probably put Orochimaru in his place. Then we have Sarutobi who he himself says that no one can stop Orochimaru now. (Obviously he's including himself) So even Sarutobi knows that Orochimaru would most likely beat him in a fight, (Which happens) I'm sure Orochimaru knows all of this too, so I'm not suprised he wasn't scared of Sarutobi.

Actually, i'm not wrong. Sarutobi the greatest Hokage of all time said that Orochimaru was a shinobi that came once in a decade and wanted him to be his successor, before the Fourth took the mantle. He wanted Orochimaru to be Hokage so bad that that he let him free after all the killing he made. I wasn't questioning that the Third was the strongest in his prime but still was considered the strongets of the five Hokages and the facts that Orochimaru killed the Hokage and the Kazekage. Orochimaru do measure strength by how many jutsus you know, but also by overall strength. Kakashi rival the Third on jutsus and Kakashi is a bug in front of Orochimaru. Orochimaru is the strongest od the Sannin, and he said that Itachi was stronger than him. If Orochimaru is a shinobi that comes once in a decade, Itachi is a shinobi who come once in a century. They are both geniuses but its clear who is the most genius.

You're joking right? I'm guessing by your logic, Itachi was just as scared.......oh wait he was even more afraid because he was the one who ran away. I mean once he saw Jiraiya's Toad throat jutsu, he knew he was biting more than he could chew, so he had to hightail it out of there
I'm not joking! Jiraiya was talking big in how he was going to killed Itachi and Kisame but when he saw what was left of Amaterasu he chicken out. If he was so determine to kill those who would harm Naruto why didn't he chase after them and killed them as he said so. He would have gotten rid off the thrat once and for all. Itachi had an excuse to abandon the mission because he was tired, not to mentioned that Kisame thought Itachi could still fight Jiraiya and win. But what's Jiraiya excuse for not following them. Exactly!

WTF? They show Orochimaru's original body? All I saw was a hand with a know the ring that he had when he was in same organization as Itachi, but left..........hence them focusing on the ring, to let us the viewer know possibly were he knew Itachi from besides..........I want your version since you see the whole body and all.
If you notice the hand and look at Orochimaru position, you can see there is more space below but they only showed the hand. The case is, Body or hand, that's what was left of Orochimaru original body. Why do you think the author decided to show us Orochiamru telling us that the reason he left the organization was because Itachi was stronger than him and then decides to show us what was left of his body. Obviously he fought Itachi so he could take his body, but lost and that's why he he said Itachi is stronger and then show us what was left of his body. That's logic.

Yes because we all saw that fight. Or are you going to say because Orochimaru said so? I mean according to everyone in where I live, I'm the better artist than my friend Karson because my drawings look better and I can do more styles of art (real life, surrealism, etc etc). But I think Karson is better than me, because he takes less time to do the same piece as me, and can work from all angles and has a nice style. To me, if you can do a piece in a few minutes and have a nice style, even if mine looks better, I still say your the better artist.

Does that mean he is better than me because I said so? Or is it just me putting myself down, because of my beliefs of what makes a great artist?
Read what i posted above.

I would just love to know how you came to that conclusion.

Then, you clearly haven't read anything that has been said about the Uchihas and Sasuke. Read the whole series again(especially the all Uchihas parts, as many Naruto's fans don't read them at all. I'm not saying that you are one) and then tell me that.
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