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Old 2013-02-08, 08:13   Link #699
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by Wild Goose
So to the JAM perspective, they're fighting carbon-based drones, while the only living entities on the goddamn planet are the 12 AIs in the Super Sylphs of SAF 5th Squadron.
- Not just the Plane AI. The Tactical and Strategic computers, et al are all included. The JAM would probbaly see them as a sort-of semi Hive Mind in the sense that the planes go out collect info and hunt, and then share this information at the central hub (Tactical Computer and Strategic computer at base).

The comparison with Muv-Luv is when you notice that early in the war the BETA tended to attack mechanisms but not individual soldiers (except as raw materials). For all the BETA Superiors know, the TSFs were using humans as power sources or tactical weapons computers...

Originally Posted by sasahar17
Actually wavehawk has a very good point. This could work as a very good crossover idea. I know canonically AIs haven’t been developed by Muv Luv humanity, but what if they did have some?
- I actually have a short story with that in mind, but I'll probably be stoned for using original characters even before anyone read it.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose
In all fairness, when I first read about the Alternative Plans, I actually thought Alternative V was more practical, as Alternative IV had no results and at the time Alt V was proposed, there was nothing to suggest that a mass deployment of G-bombs would totally fuck over the survivors.
- Just remember that there's the obvious Japanese bias---having been on the receiving end of a WMD, it's usually the scariest thing they can think of. So much so that any solution involving a WMD is the worst possible solution.

Also my take on Alternative V: I do not mind, and actually encourage humanity to reach out and find a new home beyond Earth...but it has to be BY CHOICE, not because we're being overrun by Alien bugs.

...that, and what happens if the BETA drop by on that new planet before the population is ready?

Originally Posted by Darthtabby
Granted this is talking a lot about the concept of a leader for all of earth and an organization that has held the line on the other side of a dimensional portal so effectively that the people back home have been able to ignore the JAM threat completely, but don't those excerpts make you think of Takeru, Youko, and all the petty politics and nationalism that is constantly causing problems in humanity's war against the BETA in Muv Luv?
- It's not going to happen IMHO. The reason Nationalism (or racism, or religious purism, etc) exists is as an extended form of individualism. The gist of it being: "No, we are not world citizens, we are not all the same---we are special because we are of this race/country/religion/economic theory/sports and that makes us superior and different to the rest of you." The irony of that is that these people homogenize themselves within their own circles (go to the same pub every night, eat the exact same food as your uncles and aunts)---People I know IRL who try so hard to be individual just end up imitating everyone else.

"Standing out by being just like everyone else."

A unified government in the Muv-Luv universe doesn't exist--in spite of facing a common threat--because people believe that to be part a major movement, a one world government, means giving up their individual right to choose things on their own. Like how the French dropped out of the Eurofighter program (in ML and in real life) because things weren't going their way. People/Groups have desires and wants, and they may compromise on some, but there will always be one or two that they will stick to, despite common sense telling them this is unwise.

Although the characters in MLA talk about the need for a unified government, let's face it: Japan, the United States, and other countries would pay only lip service to it at best---and outright fight it at the worst.The US wants the United Nations to do things the US way, Japan and Asian natiosn want it done another, so forth and so on. There will always be some group/organization/government/country that will insist on doing outlandish and downright dangerous things to the world at large just to show that they're tougher and better than everyone else/that they have a God-given mission to change the world the way THEY see fit.

Human beings (both as individuals and groups) have two problems that work in the favor of ANY Alien invader:
1.) At a subconscious level we do not care for anyone who does not support them or have anything of value we can make use of.
2.) Majority of human beings have an inabilty to think long-term.
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