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Old 2012-04-23, 06:59   Link #18173
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: アッバス
Age: 33

It's a tough thing being a male lead when the love interests all have the ability to kill anyone and all the guy has is an almighty right hand...

Typical daily schedule for Touma (a.k.a. the twelve tasks of Touma, TTTT):

1. Wakes up at 6am.
2. Gets bitten on the head while preparing breakfast.
3. Nearly gets late for class while dodging electric coins.
4. Making the loli teacher cry in the middle of class.
5. Getting owned by his two partners in crime.
6. Getting owned by Forehead DX.
7. Running out of stuff to buy in the canteen when it's his turn.
8. Losing 2000 yen to a vending machine.
9. Getting involved with some commotion.
10. Gets chased by punks.
11. Goes out fighting to save the world.
12. Ends up in the same hospital, the same bed, treated by the same doctor.

...Fukou da...
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