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Old 2013-08-06, 15:39   Link #56
Join Date: May 2012
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Age: 32
Originally Posted by mrShady View Post
It was never confirmed nor shown that Ace used haki (the only exception was that uncontrolled one in a flashback).
Unless Oda confirms Ace using haki it will be a plot hole.
The main reason I call it a plot hole is because he was a well known pirate and a high ranking member of the Whitebeard crew who should've been capable of it.

Biggest evidence that Ace never used something like armament haki is his fight against Smoker.
We all know Oda retconned haki into the story and I'm fine with that but that doesn't excuse this plothole. However it's easily fixed by having a former crew member commenting about his haki use.
If i remember correctly, when Luffy unleashed his haki during the war, Ace said something among the lines: "just like me!!". Or maybe that was just the translation. Also, I think it was confirmed in a SBS that Ace can use haki. Oh well, these are just "maybe" so take it with a grain of salt. I could do some research but I'm lazy
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