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Old 2006-01-05, 17:34   Link #9
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Germany
Age: 35
i love this manga. I can understand why there will be an anime made from this.
Im not sure if the characters are original, but they are definitly likeable and almost cult, without even being well known. I want to see that funny "35years old and no boyfriend because sacrificed herself to education, everytime falling into holes" teacher animated. The whole manga is just too funny and enjoyable.
Yet the mangaka was a bit lazy and uncreative at some plotdevolopments: Like letting the aliens just come above town and make big anouncement about the incident just so everyone knows. And like explaining this invisiblety-enegy-kenkai-thingy on a sidenote.
If they will edit little flaws of the manga and express the happenings and characters in an better way in the anime, it might get a big hit.
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