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Old 2012-11-27, 17:09   Link #78
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Austria
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
With the amount of people vocally voicing their hatred and disapproval all over the Internet these days, it seems hard to justify "overrated" at this point. It's definitely a contender for "Most Controversial" though (but I'm supposing Nisemonogatari, and Episode 8 in particular, may win that one).
Heh, well, I'd say it can be the most over-rated and most over-hated show at the same time.

This is only a problem if you were ever under the delusion that there was such a thing as "good taste" or that you (or anyone else) ever had anything resembling it.

Seriously, objective judgement of taste issues is only possible if you manage to describe a taste in objective terms and then show how the anime relates to that taste. It's usually too much work for a forum post (but worth it if you care).

But I do understand what you mean in the sense that it's a bit disheartening to find yourself at odds with people whose tastes you are usually aligned with. It just goes to show that no two people value the same qualities in the exact same way; every disagreement is an opportunity to learn more about the other party and yourself.
Exactly. I've learned to appreciate shows I wouldn't have been able to enjoy otherwise through getting to know other perspectives in the past. (Less so with anime; my prime example is Wallace and Grommit.)
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