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Old 2012-09-09, 00:38   Link #3853
Join Date: Jul 2008
@Kags: I don't get why a romance story would spend so much time on that kinda stuff either. I mean, we aaaaaaall get it: boy loves girl, girl loves boy, stuff pushes them apart, hijinks ensue, pent-up feelings they spew. Wasn't this meant to be a documentary on the tech specs of mecha?

Ozma would have made for a much better plot. He loves Cathy. Cathy loves him. Stuff pushes them apart. Hijinks ensue... oh wait, scratch that. Er... Michael! He loves Klan. Klan loves him. No she doesn't. Yes she does... oh, I give up.

@Ozuma: Ah literal analysis. Super important. There's a top secret code that the director uses to tell you who the real protags are, and nobody else knows the code ('cept for me ). But all the posters can do deep analyses to figure it out.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the complexest character of all?

If you win you get unlimited cookies and everyone else admits that your character is really the bestest i mean, the most protagonistly-acting protagonist. Or they don't admit it. But then you can just use more analysis to figure out that they're just being tsundere about it.

PS Sheryl's not a protagonist, she's a brotagonist. And Alto is his woman.
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