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Old 2012-12-31, 19:33   Link #208
Nishikino Maki (* ̄▽ ̄*)
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: I shall reveal it to you.
I'm not big on shipping, but I don't think Yui falls for him for no reason.

He built up a lot points after helping her during that beach episode.

He finally acknowledged her and the 99 cannon on his first taste of a battlefield.

He saves her from certain death twice in Kamchatka.

He inspires her when he returns with the sole promise to bring 94 second back.

That's just the first half of it. There's even more later on. I think others can add to this list.

Anyways, if that right there doesn't make a girl fall for you whether in RL or anime. Nothing will.
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