Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2012-06-07, 22:31   Link #22710
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Poland
Age: 38
True, the fight between Akua and Tsukune is definitely not going to be an easy one.

And after that fight, there is also Alucard to deal with, and he's definitely a LOT stronger then Akua.

Although, recently I started wondering about something else, do you think that Shinso vampires have a higher growth rate then regular vampires ?

I mean we have learned from the flashback to Moka's past is that a vampires power starts to grow once they reach the age of 10.

I think that a similar mechanism occurs in Tsukune's case, who despite, technically not being a Shinso vampire, has similar powers as they do, and due to that I believe his power grows in a similar way it happens to "regular" Shinso vampires.

And taking into consideration the ridiculously fast speed at which Tsukune gets stronger (If I remember correctly, in chapter 18 of the second season, even Inner Moka has started wondering if it really could be at this rate), it makes me pretty certain that the growth of Shinso, is higher then a regular vampire, which could mean trouble for Tsukune later on.

After all, if his power grows so fast, the time, where Tsukune's Holy Lock wouldn't be capable of containing his ayashi aura, starts getting closer as well, and we all know what would happen if Tsukune has lost his Holy Lock, since I don't remember anything being mentioned (or implied), that would isuggest that Tsukune is capable of keeping his sanity, without the Holy Lock's assistance.
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