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Old 2009-04-04, 12:05   Link #428
Chaos Zangetsu
Demon King
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In between universes
Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
If Isshin was the king of Soul Society don't you think SOMEONE would notice their freakin king is missing?! Unless the Zero division is hiding under his bed, protecting him all the time.
The reason they wouldn't notice is the King lives in a separate dimension. That is what the King's Key does is open a path to that dimension. The King of Soul Society has therefore never been seen by anyone except those who use the key, and only the Captain Commanders know where the key was. None of the Captains knew where it was, which is why Aizen is gonna try to make a new one with the destruction of Ichigo's town that's full of spirit enriched land that's needed to make the key.
Yammamoto may know about Ichgo, but that's unlikely since Ichigo had to have been born in the human world. Yammamoto has probaly never been in the human world much and with Isshin's non-existant powers(until he got them back) being surpressed in the Gigai he probaly had on since getting to the human world, he still wouldn't have been noticed by Yammmamoto, even if Yammamoto had actually seen the king before and knew his reiatsu.
This all supports the reasoning Isshin is the King.

The questions that may be asked to fully know the situation is:

1. If Ichigo has powers and Isshin has powers, does Ichigo's sisters have hidden Shinigami powers like Ichigo and if their mother was a quincy or shinigami(not likely since she could've destroyed the hollow when it was attacking Ichigo instead of dying to save him.), do they have quincy powers too?
2. If Isshin is the king, why did he lose his powers and how?
3. What happened to make Isshin come to the human world?
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