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Old 2013-06-27, 22:55   Link #239
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Join Date: May 2013
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Age: 38
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This...was....BEYOND AWESOME!

I think I squeed in my seat the whole time.

That future time skip said so much and yet so little.
I also interpreted Saki's words to refer to Haruto as the "first of us/founder" person. What is unclear to me anyway is whether Haruto and Co. or the Magius start the 3rd Galactic Reich. Her line about it starting with a module could mean many things.

That kid, for all we know he could be ALL of the Valvrave pilots great or great great grandchild, I mean it IS 211 years in the future.

And yes it seems to be confirmed that the AI's appear to be some type of entity that can be transferred into a Valvrave.

Arus' President is also a Magius! Didn't see that one coming, kind of makes you wonder why he didn't side with Dorssia. Cain did say they worked from the shadows so maybe he's just bidding his time or will pull some oh no we got taken over schtick to keep things from looking to obvious.

Akira's backstory was painful to watch, but her overcoming it was awesome. I laughed so hard when she yelled Supermarket and jumped out of her little home. Her Valvrave is totally awesome.

Seeing L-Elf get his butt handed to him by Cain was more fun to watch then it probably should have been. I love how Cain pretty much pays Haurto no mind as he tried to hold him off.

The preview for the next episode, man it's going to be a long 3 months.
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