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Old 2008-07-06, 09:10   Link #455
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Originally Posted by Methuselah View Post
@Vallen Chaos

Dude.. where did I say not wanting loved one to die is a sin? The point that he geassed her and took her mind away is a sin. She never asked that she wants to forget everything in the end did she or asked to be controlled with don't die? (someone Japanese please answer) If that's the case then I'll rest my thought.

Obivously he wasn't at the condition to think of what's best for her. It also tells us how much the Geass meant to him on "everday" situation. Nothing is excusable in life no matter how much one wants to deny it. I don't know where this hostile defense is coming from. (little extreme) We see that here in the end. You saw how he took out his lense to Geass her. Then spam it on her instead of spending the last moments with the real shirley. Once a Geass slave died as one. It's very sad.

-Was this the wisest thing for Shirley - to die in a mind that wasn't controlled by herself?
*Me raises hand on someone Japanese

The reason why this scene was so touching for me was because Lulu geassed Shirley not to die, and the order seemed to register (judging from her eyes). Only Shirley seemed resigned about her death, saying something to the likeness of "Since it seems like destiny that I'll love you no matter how many times I'm reborn [I can die now right?]"

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