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Old 2012-08-18, 18:37   Link #37
Try me! <3
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Germany
Age: 40
Best AW episode so far

Lots of good action. Kyh shows a green power up - guess she still has other coloured power ups. Figures, Black is all colours together, after all.
The dragon rider certainly is a novum, although that Sulphur guy is pretty pathetic himself. I think he only got the dragon by hacking or some exploit, I can't imagine him fighting the dragon and winning, in order to apply that tamer to him.

The bolt guy, which looked rather harmless, can transform into a Transformer and then really dish out the pain. His fire power might even come close to Red King level, although with a much better movability.

Megumi's appearance was interesting. I think she was a Burst Linker at an earlier time, but then stopped for some reason, without being completely defeated. Technically, she would still be a Burst Linker, but someone (or something) made her forget about the game. Then, something shortly bridged the memory leak, and she returned for a short while. Looks like she can change the stage to another one she chooses. Hope we'll get to know more about her and her abilities later.

Finally, once in their element, the two mermaid girls also did a good contribution, so the dragon could be freed and then helped himself to some nice dinner

Next episode, next to that freaky Noumi guy. I somehow get the feeling that Noumi and that Sulphur guy belong to the same group of people hacking BrainBurst.
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