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Old 2008-09-16, 19:51   Link #823
Mr Hat and Clogs
Did someone call a doctor
Join Date: Apr 2007
Age: 40
I have LOTRO, I liked it, but I just don't have enough time to dedicate to two MMO's so I only played it fairly casually with a friend. What I really liked about it was how immersive it was, I liked (most of) the quests, and the world is just gorgeous. It was good to be able to see things and visit places you could only visualise in your head from the books or seen in the movies. It actually feels pretty big to. Character movements and actions are different to WoW which can throw you for a loop for a little if you've been playing WoW for a long time but once you get over it its all good.

Haven't tried Warhammer yet, a friend is in the beta and he likes it, but I've heard both side of that story, so will probably see for myself. Either way its definitely WOTLK hoooo, then either LOTRO or WAR for a side dish.
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