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Old 2007-04-24, 17:23   Link #53
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
well... I never asked for an ED. I don't *need* an ED if we can get karaoke-hell from the characters and they can't really sing well (actually I was hoping it'd turn out that Tsukasa was the only who could actually sing). I thought that was somewhat innovative that the credit sequence was really part of the show

I was happy with the characters singing in-character notion instead of a "traditional" ED. I'm not going to say Kona *couldn't* mimic an "adult" singer, only that it doesn't seem to be her natural self. It does *look* as if they were pushing something other than Kona's characterization. At least they tried to cover it by having Kagami rag on Kona about "imitating" someone and *she* likes FMP.

Don't misunderstand, I *like* Hirano's 'grown up' singing voice and please don't think I'm bashing her. I just thought it didn't fit here for Kona and wasn't the greatest characterization moment. And they really don't break the fourth wall inside the main content area of the show (I don't count their remarks on popular culture and things because they *are* high school girls and various levels of otaku -- that's what they do.). Its only Lucky*Channel that really breaks the wall and its great in that context.

As far as 2 and 3, I'm assuming (because of the 4-koma material) that once they establish the Kona/Kagami terrain, we'll get to see more of the other characters in action and with their own stories.

I love sensei's *terrible* fake regional accent. The VA revels in it. I also like how Akira totally fails at it and can hardly read it.

The poor guy in the train was given a free show from Kona whether he wanted it or not He couldn't decide whether to actively look away or just defocus -- but he couldn't avoid blushing. Pure Kona....

As far as 2chan goes.... interesting, I think each show was pretty good but ep 1 slightly better (mostly because I thought the food routine was sublime). ep 3 is more "girls doing girl things" which probably got those guys all hot and twitchy I suppose I should express my otaku-ness by mapping which source material maps where in the episodes and which is anime-original and which is modified source.

Last edited by Vexx; 2007-04-24 at 17:35.
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