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Old 2010-10-31, 22:30   Link #103
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by John117xCortana View Post
I do wonder what Sheryl would do about Ben after that incident though....
I doubt she'd exactly forget it but TBH she really doesn't seem like a particularly vindictive person, not to say that she isn't, just that I don't think she's exceptional in either direction. About like an average person, though she has a bit of celebrity style vengeance in her at this stage. Her blog even mentions she fired a stagehand for a reason I forget, though I seem to recall it was somewhat significant yet something someone else might forgive. The tone suggested she regretted it some and that she felt a need to justify it to herself again, like it was a spur of the moment thing.

Some ideas you might get from the post-bunker scene in episode 3. She's rather nonchalant while she levies a rather significant threat apparently at both of them to make sure they don't post anything online that they might have gotten recorded (ahem, wardrobe malfunction, her mention seemed a bit odd when you consider there was no obvious recording device, but she comes from Galaxy so she knows all about implants, and likely has a habit of assuming they're there due to Galaxy's population), which I believe included "I'll literally destroy you, socially as well as biologically." But then we go off into territory of just how serious that threat was. I generally assume she would have followed through to some degree, but ultimately she'd probably never have to in those cases, given who her manager is. I mean Grace can lay the smackdown on military defense computing infrastructures, a paparazzi with dirty pictures isn't going to last long, socially or biologically.

This tiff though isn't worthy of being Graced like that though, but Grace I could see making sure he doesn't work on anymore Sheryl concerts... unless... Well, as you know Grace is rather intrigued by her little emotion index as seen with Ranka. The attack on Galaxy could have been part of this, but anyway my point is Grace would either get rid of him or if she felt he could be used in her plans to get Sheryl more emotive then he might actually stick around.

But now I'm ahead of myself. Sheryl herself, probably not much at this stage unless he becomes a regular thorn in her side, content just not to see him again. If she does though, I could see traded barbs. Actually no, I can see it now, the next time she sees him (if she sees him) she'll have her little "Just who the hell do you think I am" smile/smirk on and she'll simply, out of the blue, answer his question from before. She won't say how she remembered and translated it (she got Grace to play it back from her implants and translate it). Annnd given that this would happen after the concert in which ALTO NEARLY KILLS HER, *ahem* Burn. She may not even wait for a response from him, just kinda give her answer and drop Alto's botched stunt with a May'n smile on her face and then withdraw with a light spring in her step and a quick, light-hearted "Don't screw up this time!"

At least that's what I thought of, but that assumes she even remembers that little tiff she had with him after all that happened afterward. Her memory isn't exactly perfect, "Wait a minute... I found that guy and in all the excitement I forgot to ask him about my earring! DAMN IT!"
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