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Old 2009-02-13, 06:21   Link #1614
Join Date: Apr 2006
Few things.

In that context, reason allowed people to see through how society is a dynamic process, and every person in any position has arrived there on no grounds justified. Either born into it or by a different way. There is no objective standard by which you can justify any person being placed higher than another. Even if one is smarter or more talented, there's no objective standard, hence communism. Not saying that's my position, but that's how communism came about.

So it's an entirely different lingo when you're talking about reason vs science. Religious people aren't necessarily people without reason, but religion and science are both found on the same track, yet lightyears apart.

Before Thales, people tried explaining the world with myths. This is, in a very primitive sense, a product of reason.
Then Thales came, he was looking for something different. A first principle was needed to explain the universe. He posited "water". This is a product of reason, yet there's progress.
Then came Parmenides, he posited maybe the senses are deceitful. Further progress.

Finally Kant, who led us to think whether reason is maybe preconditioned, we should question reason.

And so on. It's not a matter of what requires more reason. It's not about more, it's about purity. This is how things progress, and religion has fallen way behind. It's not compatible with contemporary philosophy. It's a product of medieval, ancient reason. People today hold onto it out of fear or something else, not reason. So there's an important difference here.
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