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Old 2011-11-10, 22:13   Link #9
Okuyasu the Bird
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Alberta, Canada
Age: 32
Ah much better than last week...half-way finished now.

First of all I need to comment on Rika. Usually I hate lecherous characters, and while her perverted "humor" is still there, she has stayed rather in-control and refrained from going very over-the-top these past two episodes. If this keeps up for the latter half, I give mad props.

Next this episode just goes to show that Yozora and Sena are becoming buddies despite how much they quarrel with one-another. There's a saying that says "good friends always fight", and that's pretty much what we're being shown here. It's amusing that the club is accomplishing their goal while completely believing they haven't made any progress at all.

Finally, the way the insert song was done was excellent. They didn't devote an entire meaningless 3 or 4 minutes to the song wasting the viewers' time with something they could watch or listen to elsewhere, they cut it down and used it as a way to confirm that Yozora and Sena do have lingering romantic feelings for Kodaka.

So it seems some developments are brewing, Sena's father wants to meet with Kodaka. I wonder why that is? Doesn't look like the next episode will be getting to that right away though judging from the preview, kind of a shame.
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