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Old 2019-02-02, 17:59   Link #1060
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Renegade334 View Post
Yeaaaaahh...0.8.0 feels like a huge clusterf***. Due to family concerns (health scare) I wasn't able to jump into Randoms yesterday but today on my first match I was met with pure chaos and it's not exactly a good feeling. The air wings (now two CVs per side, on average) are just relentless and with their ubiquity the concealment you worked so hard to pay off feels almost useless...and to top it off, WG nerfed that skill.

I had aircraft attacking me from every bloody direction, distracting me from ship-on-ship engagements, making them an even greater nuisance than before. Thankfully the air damage isn't as catastrophic as before (AP bombs and torps), but their persistence counterweighs that a lot...and in some cases outweighs it.

DDs are feeling the brunt of the changes as they are being actively hunted now (and to top it off, they also lost some of their stealth as aforementioned) and almost permaspotted. I sold my two CVs (Ranger and Bogue) for both $ and FXP and that theoretically allows me to advance to either the Kitakaze or the Fletcher, but with DDs getting smacked and spotted left and right, I'm not sure I want to get a new one right now in these conditions. My other choices are getting a Roon (though I hated the German cruisers that had two thirds of their main battery on the back rather than the front) or a Charles Martel. Thinking about just hoarding the FXP for now.

Note: WG removed all of our AA Guns Mod 2s (slot-3), uptiered them to slot-6 and put them in our inventories, which makes for a nice profit as you can resell the AAGM2s for 1.5M credits apiece and replace the voided slot-3s with the 500K AAGM1. Haven't had the chance to read the AA changes in-depth, but AAGM1, from what I heard, is the AA mod you want (more flak bursts), so that makes it a nice bonus. Don't forget to check your inventory and sell your surplus AAGM2s for a good padding.

Thankfully, there is a 100% free captain respec promotion right now, meaning you can move captains around without any fee and redistribute your skill points as you see fit. I was therefore able to retrain a lot of my earlier commanders and even make them alternative captains for my main ships (for example, I have a 19-point Montana commander that is geared towards survivability/persistence and I have retrained my recently-unlocked 15-point William F. Halsey Jr. to be a more AA-centric Montana commander). However, that means I have to make certain sacrifices for those backup commanders, such as trading Concealment or Fire Prevention for Advanced Fire Training...or Basics of Survivability for Basic Fire Training, both moves I'm not very keen on: FP is a godsend on certain ships - my Montana, for one, thrives with it, and I can't wait to add this skill to both my tinderbox!Nelson and my new Roma.

One thing that REALLY annoys me is that my beloved Atlanta has lost much of its AA value now, as the reworked AA mechanics apparently don't play well with this light cruiser. I sincerely hope WG will buff the Atlanta in a future patch.

P.S. Hopefully the number of CVs per match will drop soon (both from boredom and maybe from a CV quota change), I feel that they're making their presence a lil' too well-known ATM.
It will drop because most of us don't actually like the changes. Flak is far too OP, and by the time we now lightly damage a BB we could have sunk a Bismarck class BB without AP . It's probably closer to WoWP than WoW atm. Really not funny to play at all.
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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