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Old 2006-12-02, 13:44   Link #83
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Sure, he wanted to change the system from within, but I seriously question the wisdom of joining the frigging army/system that's being used to oppress the people in the first place. If you ask me, Suzaku is in far more danger of losing his ideals or going down a dangerous slippery slope than Lelouch. Lelouch at least knows what he wants and how to go about it. Suzaku really just has some preconceived notion and a rough general idea.
He joined because he wants to set an example and he's already doing it. This was explained in episode 4 where he was about to be executed. If he had joined Lelouch, the other elevens and honorary britiannians would be persecuted.

Suzuka's already made an impression on the purists faction when he saved Jeremiah. They maybe purists but we've seen them suprised and shocked by his loyalty and perservance to defend them. Next time I doubt Jeremiah or Villete would hesistate to assist him.

Then we have Yuffie, so Suzuka now has a royal family member that shares his views and we know that she isn't too fond with Britannia's ways (reinforced when she notes about how she feels about Cornelia's beliefs).

And now Cornelia, she actually goes forth and promotes an eleven. She gives him a suicide mission which Suzkua takes without questioning and even succeeds where her men failed so that's already an impression made there when she was surprised.

As Suzuka said, "it's still not enough for them to accept us?" If he keeps this up, they will.

IMO, I would go this far to say that Suzuka and Lelouch are working together to bring change to the world. Lelouch knows how to use the media, hence the civilians, britannians specifically. Suzkua himself is an irregular soldier who continues to do the impossible without questioning so he's making an impression on the military, plus he has yuffie on his side.
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