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Old 2008-06-07, 22:09   Link #1018
He Who Smites Shippers
Join Date: Mar 2008
Age: 36
1: The WolkenRitter have no loyalty to anyone but Hayate and have said so. They probably wouldn't ware seperate deployments...if the bureau insisted...well, everyone knows what happened last time they disagreed with the Bureau...
They're also completely loyal to Hayate. If the bureau says separate deployments and Hayate doesn't want them to fight about it, they'll just have to accept her judgement. Which isn't to say that she wants to be split up from them, but she probably doesn't want to make any more trouble than she already has.

2: The Bureau are actively trying to recruit Hayate and the WolkenRitter. This kind of small concession may be a 'carrot'
I'm pretty sure that the bureau is making them join up as payment for all the trouble they caused. Maybe if they're trying to convince her to stick around once her debts have been repaid, though, that might work.

3: Leti's probably been worked on by Lindy
Leti doesn't have all the power in the navy, and Goose and TK will probably say that they'd need more than just two admirals signing off on this to get that kind of power concentrated in one area.

4: it keeps them all in one place so they can be monitored more easily.
Now this I can buy fairly easily, the only problem is what to do with them once they've proven themselves trustworthy and there isn't a need to monitor them.

I'm placing an emphasis on this because I'm trying to ascertain the probability of Hayate, Alex, and the Wolks being able to serve together on a single ship, with Hayate as captain, Shamal as a medical officer, and Vita and Signum serving in the assault force acting under Enforcer Alex. Zafira.... dunno, maybe a cook or something.

Kill the Darkfic.
Burn the Angst.
Purge the Bad End.
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