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Old 2005-12-23, 13:53   Link #47
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Join Date: Dec 2005

This certainly is an unusual request an OBJECTIVE poll. LOL
We need one of these in all the harem shows, a valuation of character...

Let me see how objective I can be....

What values do I objectively see in the character Haruku?


Haruku is extreme kind, caring, trusting, honorable, asthetic pleasing [beauty and cuteness has value and I cannot dismiss it as being unimportant], is learning and willing to create value for others [School] and in general desires to be honest with others. [but lacks the disipline thought and control to be fully honest]

Haruku after waking from the coma, chooses to grow and live on rather the give up on life either living a sad existence or dying.
She values her own life.

Haraku's mental strength and honest character is definitely expressed by her unwilingness to allow Takayuki to remain dishonest with her. Even though Takayuki finally confessed and realized he had harmed everyone, he did not fully understand that the guilt he was placing on himself diminished the value of everyone around him. By giving him up and honestly punishing him for his dishonesties, she allowed him to focus on Mitsuki who he said he liked.
She values honesty, and rejects dishonesty.

Haruku eventually grows and develops rational artistic values that others might buy in form of a children's book.


Haruku has trouble (expressing her feelings) being honest with herself and others and sacrifices her own feelings out of fear [Higher Cause]...

Haruku lacks determination to pursue her desired goals merely wishing they might come true, and depends on others [External Authority] to move forward. [She desired Takayuki for years, yet did nothing about it until Mitsuki helped her.]

Haruku is blinded by her feelings [EA] and is unable too see Takayuki's behavior as it honestly is - cleverly disguised and subtlely dishonest. [Later she sees this mistake and grows stronger as she dismisses it.]


Haruku as character has great potential as a friend or lover.
If she resolutely decides to express her feelings to those she cares about most, she will gain tremendous strength.
If she resolutely decides to find her OWN rational self-interests and happiness, she will gain tremendous strength.
If she resolutely decides to see reality as it is and dismiss, remove dishonesty in all forms and for all reasons, she will gain tremendous strength.

What values do I objectively see in the character Mitsuki?


Mitsuki is extreme kind, caring, trusting, asthetic pleasing [beauty and cuteness has value and I cannot dismiss it as being unimportant], is learning and willing to create value for others [School] and in general desires to be honest with others. [but lacks the disipline thought and control to be fully honest]


Mitsuki has trouble (expressing her feelings) being honest with herself and others and sacrifices her own feelings out of fear [Higher Cause]...

Mitsuki lacks determination to pursue her desired goals merely wishing they might come true, and depends on others [External Authority] to move forward. [She desired Takayuki, yet did nothing about it until she jealously saw Haruku had him.]

Mitsuki is easily blinded and accepts irrational guilt [EA] for incidents outside of her logical control...

Mistuki willingly sacrifices her dreams, happiness and life irrationally [HC].

Mitsuki is blinded by her feelings [EA] and is unable too see Takayuki's behavior as it honestly is - cleverly disguised and subtlely dishonest. [She NEVER fully understands and it appears he returns to her not out of love but GUILT.]

Mitsuki does not grow and develop rational values that others might buy and instead works in the job that she never desires or gains happiness from.


Mituski as character has great potential as a friend or lover.
If she resolutely decides to express her feelings to those she cares about most, she will gain tremendous strength.
If she resolutely decides to find her OWN rational self-interests and happiness, REFUSING to sacrifice them for any HIGHER CAUSE OR PURPOSE, she will gain tremendous strength.
If she resolutely decides to outright and forever deny irrational guilt, she will gain tremendous strength.
If she resolutely decides to see reality as it is and dismiss, remove dishonesty in all forms and for all reasons, she will gain tremendous strength.


There is no such thing as worthless individual or life; each individual is special, unique and possess a potential only limited by their own failure to understand reality. Failing to see that limits they place on themselves are the only limits they actually have.

I would gladly spend time and try to develop a strong friendship with either one of them.
I could not irrationally choose either one of them as my lover and expect them to sacrifice their lives for me; that wouldn't be fair to them or myself and dishonest.
I would instead hope to see values in a relationship with one of them that we both mutually desire. Then both of us honestly confess those values and understand our feelings for each other.

I desire an honest love that is constantly growing stronger with the exchanging of values:

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien The Eternity You Desire, the eternity we all desire.

[The actual story dishonestly shows the opposite meaning of the title.]
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