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Old 2012-01-11, 15:33   Link #16222
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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You know it's actually a good thing or lesson for Touma to look at the other side of the people he saved. His been pretty optimistic lately or rather he just do what ever he wants. Just like what Index said. Touma just saved somebody because he likes to. But That's all there is to Touma. He didn't look at the after effects of the people he saved or changed their lives. And with the current event. He did saved a country but the same time he ended up loosing something. A good lesson to someone who always ended up saving everyone. It's not like you can save everybody >.> Touma reminds me of Shiro. Now that his starting to regret something. He reminds me of Shiro after becoming a guardian and starting to really save people. Shiro might sacrifice himself to make his ideals the truth but ended up getting betrayed by it but Touma is different. He DID save peoples lives without sacrificing. And it's all too good to be true. Though you can say that the sacrifice are the people he beat but he also ended up changing their lives for the best. His life is just too perfect for my taste. A perfect hero indeed no wonder Accel and Hamazura looks up to him even though they themselves are hero. But now the Hero that everyone looks up to had finally done a mistake. No one was perfect about time for some regret and despair or a plain reality check on Kamijou Touma's side.
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