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Old 2012-05-27, 14:53   Link #36
Carpe Diem
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: ||At the edge of finality.||
Age: 34
With this episode in hand, I have lost any semblance of an idea as to what the hell is going on with many "goals" that our characters are following. They generally just don't make any sense to me anymore and, as before, there's a major discontinuity between one episode and the next.

So let's start from the top:

Mikono's journey to not be useless and to help, accomplished, as far as I can see, utterly no advancement for her character and maybe an actual backtracking. She was used as tool for exposition by Fudo last episode contributing little of anything aside from more "I'm sorry!" which is still entirely unresolved (though I have a good idea as to where its going). Her return to the scene is overshadowed by the return of the Golden Aquarion, and, in said scene, she does nothing but watch and then get kidnapped without putting up a fight. I don't get it. Wasn't she trying to be useful? Doesn't that usually mean that one attempts to accomplish something? Did I miss her accomplishing something somewhere? I'm serious when I ask these questions.

I didn't expect Zessica to be dead but at this point, what does tearing her down even further accomplish? Wasn't she already heart broken (she was giving up last episode, had the heart broken gattai before that), why did we heart break her again? What's the point? Why did we retread old ground for the nth time? I'm so confused... why not just let her die on a high note? (This line is more to do with the next paragraph) For all the *I'm going to fight fate* nonsense getting thrown around by Amata for Mikono, in spite of him being at least partly fated to be with Mikono, isn't Zessica being billed as the one actually fighting fate... and losing horribly? What sort of story has two identical aesops for two separate character ending in two vastly different ways? Amata can fight fate and get a happy ending, but Zessica can fight fate and get wrecked week to week.

Confused. I am.

Amata and Kagura really take the cake though:
Amata will *fight destiny* for Mikono, Kagura wants to follow destiny.
Didn't the episode just confirm that they were the same person? Just the "Dark" and "Light" half? And didn't both of them *fall* for Mikono because of destiny: smell, movie and line? I understand that they are going for: Kagura fixates on her because of destiny, Amata fixates on her because of who she is, but Amata's claim is hard to take seriously when you consider that they are all initiated by some aspect of their destiny playing a part in their initial encounters. Is it really fighting destiny when you're retreading old ground irregardless of the justifications for your attraction? Genesis did something similar to this but it didn't skirt around the issue, Apollo and Sylvia were themselves who fell in love but no one called that fighting fate, I mean why would you? The basis of their interactions was their past life and they had an affinity towards one another, that they then fell in love of their own volition (which didn't need to be hidden behind indecisive bullshit like the drama in this show) was a bonus.

I suppose Sirius also fought fate because he didn't go hard-gay for Apollo.

If Amata and Kagura fuse... how has fate been thwarted? If Mikono is constantly supported by Fudo and everything she does plays right into Mykages hands, how is the legend repeated... not repeating? The conflict of fate is really turning into:
"A fish can cause ripples on the water and distort the moon, but it can never move the moon."
Transcend Eternity
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