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Old 2012-08-18, 19:58   Link #82
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Trajan View Post
Another lulz-worthy moment from this episode though: apparently falling a few hundred feet into a dragon's nest will almost kill you, but falling thousands of feet off the side of the mountain gets you warmly embraced by a pink-haired cutie and a transition to her forge before you hit the ground and go splat.
To be fair there is a ceiling up there, so it's unlikely they're "thousands of feet in the air" and characters being able to teleport back to town isn't a new idea for this anime so their transition to town was probably just a matter of grabbing a crystal and shouting the town name.

Originally Posted by MrPopo View Post
I detailed my interpretation on how Kirito changes throughout the side stories back in the previous episode thread. I'm not going to rehash that stuff here so feel free to look through my post history if you're interested. Whether or not you agree with me is up to you.
Agreed, there are changes in the way Kirito acts around others. There is character growth there, sure he's not emo-whining about the bad things that happened to him a year ago, but his character has gone through changes since ep1. He just doesn't talk about the reasons why he's changed.

Originally Posted by MrPopo View Post
That being said, I did find it interesting that Liz commented on the warmth of Kirito's hand being a result of "virtual data", yet at the end she contradicts herself by saying that it was "something real". Seems she's having trouble discerning fake from reality, or she simply doesn't care anymore. Either way, it's an interesting thing for the show to build upon.
After spending well over a year in a virtual world, I imagine some of your memories of the real world would feel more fake than what you see everyday.

Originally Posted by lightbringer View Post
What's unlikely is not that he ran into girls but rather that he ran into the few cute ones. I am sure that the majority of the female population of Aincrad is not on the level of Asuna & co. They are geek gamers after all. You can probably count the pretty ones on one hand (though you might have to use binary notation)
It's anime though, there are no non-cute girls ^^
At least, I haven't seen any named girls that weren't attractive.

Originally Posted by lightbringer View Post
First floor was one month. I haven't really been keeping track of the timeline on an episode by episode basis but if we go with 16 months for the other 69 floors or so we'd end up with 16*30/69=6.9 days per floor. So that estimate seems pretty accurate.
It's not my math, nor am I claiming credit for it... but someone did the math in the anime threads and that's the numbers they came up with.

Originally Posted by Quadratic View Post
...Unless you think reverse foreshadowing is relevant or I couldn't figure out tracking friends is possible from this episode alone...
I was more pointing out the fact that Asuna's friend list last episode has Liz's name on it. In addition to a cast of other people we haven't met yet, but who may or may not be important. It also reminds us there are places that player's can't escape from using crystals (again, may or may not be important) and that you can't always track people on your friend's list (may/may not).

But the show is using it's building blocks of MMO knowledge we've picked up from past episodes. Teleport crystals / item durability (we saw that multiple times this episode).

Last edited by Adigard; 2012-08-18 at 20:17.
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