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Old 2009-11-10, 07:10   Link #1068
Join Date: Jan 2004
Age: 42
I'm pretty sure Roy is transmuting Goldtooth. Goldtooth doesn't look like he's being "controlled" to do anything, he plain got stabbed by Pride and was thrown into the cirlce as an ingredient.

I'm not entirely pleased with this chapter, because it kinda feels to me that reading it month to month now is feeling a bit draggy. Each chapter resolves the previous chapter's cliffhanger, only to lead to a new cliffhanger, without actually resulting in any story progress. This has happened for a few months now. I really liked the Wrath vs Greed chapters, but I feel that the storyline with everyone else since they met Goldtooth in the basement of Central has been dragged on precisely so we would not know the "truth" behind Father's ultimate plan.

That's the real question most people are thinking about as the series hits the climax, and Arakawa seems content to drag that on while playing "Zomg will Hawkeye die? Just kidding!" for the 5th time.
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