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Old 2010-06-05, 22:05   Link #10837
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
Originally Posted by DaBackpack View Post
This child has nothing to gain from having someone solve the epitaph.

the gold of the Golden Land belongs to this child. She had absolutely no need to make you find it for her or to snatch it away herself.

Her goal is not to make someone experience fear. And it isn't to have revenge on someone either.

I'm not sure about the person named "Beatrice" being the culprit, unless Beatrice is indirectly responsible for what happens.
Originally Posted by Judoh View Post
Sorry but... Beato never committed murder for the sake of pleasure.
I'm not really a fan of the "Beatrice is the mastermind behind the explosion" theory
but I think there's still at least a "whydunit" that is not denied by reds.

Beatrice is killing everyone out of despair.
She has nothing to gain from it, it's not really for vengeance nor for pleasure. She just wants to end it and bring everyone with her.

Suicidal people (sadly) often involve others. Either because they feel "less lonely" by leaving the mortal realm in company, or because they do not care, or because they think if it's better for them it must be better for everyone else.

and more:

Beatrice is doing it because she has no other choice.
A threat or who knows what else.

Beatrice is doing it because she's been ordered to.
Possibly under Kinzo's instructions. This implies a grave case of furniture complex.

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