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Old 2008-05-26, 17:12   Link #291
Lost in my dreams...
Join Date: Jun 2006
Age: 37
generally H scenes in itself don't add or detract anything from the story, so i don't really see the problem here. Fighting over labels (eroge or non-eroge) doesn't really change the quality of the story in any noteworthy manner, nor has Key become a worse company by adding a few of those.

Saying that Key has "degraded" to eroge company carries a bit of prejudice, and is actually not very correct, seeing that Key has never ceased to be an eroge company to begin with. While Clannad was 18+ material free, Tomoyo After most certainly wasn't. (nor was Air and Kanon ... Planetarian is a bit different kettle of fish).

And if it actually helps them sell more of the games and get a bigger paycheck - all the better! Thay make a living from their job, and these games are produced with the intent of earning profit and means we will be seeing more stuff from them
Originally Posted by Proto
From my POV, it'd seem both like the game producers are looking down on its audience and that they look down on their own game by thinking it won't sell well without ero scenes
I can't agree with this line of thinking. Is the added material (ignoring the fact they are adding much more to the content than just the ero scenes) somehow degrading the "values" of the story ? Or is it simply offensive to you ? While the importance and value of H scenes can certainly be questioned, their presence does not take anything away from the story or the relationship between the two people in question. Rarely, but they can also be used to advance/change the dynamics of a relationship. And more often than not in stories with decent plot and a developed romance it is but a next step in the relationship. While showing it adds questionable value, it doesn't detract anything for it either, which is the point you seem to be making.

Of course there are people who might want it solely for the fanservice reasons, but that isn't necessarily "bad" either. Market. Demand. Supply. Now this is just my personal opinion, but i think making such an argument involves more looking down on others than Key producing said material for whatever reasons they deemed appropriate

Or to basically sum my thoughts on the subject of H scenes up: what's the big deal anyway
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