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Old 2012-12-13, 16:29   Link #77
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Originally Posted by KLGChaos View Post
The problem with Rikka's chuunibyou is that it was more than a distraction, it took over her life, which isn't a good thing. There's nothing wrong with pretending here and there to get your mind of reality-- everyone needs some escapism. Heck, my friends and I roleplay a few times a month with a tabletop RPG. I play video games and read manga because sometimes real life just sucks. But her syndrome went beyond that to the point that it not only affected her (her bad grades for example were due to her not being able to concentrate on the real world), but started to affect those around her, too (her sister wouldn't have been able to fulfill her own dream because she would have had to take care of Rikka).
This is a bit of a stretch. I can probably find easier reasons to point out to why Rikka has bad math grades, and believe me, being chuuni is definitely not one of the top reasons I would pick as the main cause.

Originally Posted by KLGChaos View Post
Expecting her to suddenly snap out of it overnight is definitely asking a lot, but her chuunibyou was going beyond playing pretend to actually becoming a mental illness in my mind-- not the kind where she actually believes the stuff is real, but the trauma of losing her father pushed her to the point that she was trying to escape reality completely instead of facing up to it. There comes a point when it's unhealthy. It was actually affecting her ability to function in normal society to the point that she didn't even know how to hold a conversation properly.
I think there is a difference in opinion on how serious Rikka is in regards to her chuunibyou-nism. While it is true that her behavior does warrant concern, I do not believe it could be classified as full blown delusional, which people seem to be alluding to. She is eccentric, but she is fully aware that her antics do indeed cause problems for her family. Yuuta even picks up from their conversations that people in her class "do not recognize her existence" because of her Wicked Eye antics.

Originally Posted by KLGChaos View Post
I've never been a huge fan of running away. People deal with trauma every day. It's painful, I know. I've lost family members myself. But hiding in a pretend fantasy world isn't going to change anything-- all it's going to do is make life in the real world harder when you have to come back to it.

What Yuuta said at the end was harsh, but it was the truth.

Rikka can still have fun with her fantasy world, imo, as long as just keeps it as a hobby. Like LARPers do when they go out and role play. Letting it seep into every aspect of her life, though, would just be bad for her in the end. You have to find a balance between escapism and reality-- and you have to be able to distinguish the two.
Yes and no. While her form of chuuni can be considered as escapism, it can also be another way to cope with trauma, which can be handled in a variety of ways. Sometimes people drink to forget their problems and other seek more self-destructive means to cope, but I think we are being more harsh on Rikka compared to the example I listed.

As others pointed out already, her behavior is already part of her personality. A behavior that society in general frowns upon as being too childish or immature. It is something that she really does enjoy as it allows her to interact with Sanae, the girl who is just as much as a chuuni as Rikka but is also ridiculously smart.
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