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Old 2012-12-06, 21:54   Link #71
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
It isn't like Rikka is completely at fault, but the situation is hardly something any side could handle smoothly.
No matter how you look at it, Rikka's chuunibyou will not be all funny after she graduates (heck, even now is hardly something people will get along all nicely after a while).
Her current situation is all thanks to Yuuta, otherwise she would probably have no one but Sanae and Touka to rely on, and that cannot last forever neither.
Touka also realizes her own powerlessness and can only bear until the situation goes out of hand 1) when Rikka went to their old house anyway 2) that she will have to leave her alone again.

Simply speaking, Touka is actually making up for her inability to fully comprehend Rikka, by seeking Yuuta's help. As a relative who cares for Rikka's welfare, her range of actions is quite limited after so long.

And actually, Yuuta taking this matter seriously actually shows how he cares deeply for Rikka, demonstrating it isn't a mere crush on Rikka. Really, he knows already what means to be a chuuni on the "reality" side, and going further down this path is absolutely not going anywhere, to the contrary, it will lead to serious issues on the long run.

Be aware that Yuuta went more on the compromise, and asks Rikka to face the world without the "True eye of the wicked king", not forcing her or slapping a "your dad is dead!". So even if it wasn't the best solution, it was definitely the least inconsiderate option he had, that would at least have an immediate effect.
Did Yuuta act hastily? Yes. Could he have managed the issue better? Probably. Is he a teenager trying to deal with something that's very difficult, but in the end doing an okay job with it? Probably.

Lately Nibutani has served as the voice of the writers in a sense; she's the most perceptive of all the main characters. She catches on earliest to the romance between Yuuta and Rikka (before the two realize it themselves); she helps push them together; she helps save Rikka by telling Yuuta to catch her from below at the crucial roof scene (making up for her own miscalculations in using such a dangerous device); and I think it's significant she tells Yuuta she approves of his actions, when I think he himself is having doubts about what he did (hence his thanks for her support).

Like you, I don't think anyone needs to think Rikka is at fault for anything, but that doesn't mean her current behavior is sustainable. And the arrival of her mother shows the real human costs of her chuuni.

That being said, I don't think Rikka can or should give up everything that eyepatch represents, in the same way Yuuta has come to better terms with his old alter ego. This necessary rebalancing will be sorted out, I'm sure, in the remaining episodes.
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