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Old 2009-06-08, 23:27   Link #20
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Chatan, Japan
Age: 35
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Lol, Myself; yourself was my bad example at the top, but thanks though. Especially for the School Days comment, if it is what you say it is then that's exactly the kind of anime I'm trying to avoid
Oops mustve missed it... yea after watching school days i wanted to see if there was anything close and myself yourself was the closest thing it was like a normal show until the end that it got all fucked up lol/

usually if i want to see a typical genre of anime ill search it on animenewsnetwork bad wesbite.. good search engine =) imo

Persona trinity soul was pretty good on the action side until one of the chars die and the whole aspect changes the opening becomes some emo flow song, the opening video everyones looking all depressed and the whole anime shifts weird... still good action
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