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Old 2008-11-28, 16:22   Link #60
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
At first glance, the ghost would seem like it actually means love in the romantic sense. However, I sort of get the feeling that perhaps Minori was going beyond that and referring to love--unconditional caring and concern from another person, like from a parent to a child. My reasoning for this speculation was because of how deeply provoked Minori was from Ryuji's simple question. So provoked that she would respond in riddles in the form of ghost. And ghost strongly suggests "past" which means she perhaps is referring to something in her childhood.

Then add in her overly giddy personality. She is too friendly and agreeable. My speculation for her reason to act like this is because of her childhood, she was surrounded by upset people and she forced herself to act like this in order to keep them happy. This along with that idea that Minori overworks herself with club activities and part-time jobs to avoid her home signifies that she is a deeply wounded person who has relationship problems with her parents. She's also afraid of the dark and quiet as indicated by the episode where she was locked in the shed with Ryuji... that dark and quiet could mean no love and care from parents in her life.

Interestingly enough, Minori is best friends with Taiga who coincedently has a history of bad relationships with her parents. Furthermore, Minori considers protecting Taiga from brokenheartedness her upmost duty.

I really think that Minori is going to come out as a tragic character.
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