Thread: Licensed Kokoro Connect [Light Novel]
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Old 2012-08-15, 04:07   Link #236
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Hong Kong
So I'm finally up to speed with the second novel finished and the third one on my shelf (my impulse to buy it was released ).

All I wanna say is that I hope the anime can show all the monologues and all that since some major shitstorm is definitely gonna happen and they're gonna stay away from each other, what with all their impulses being released at the same time.

Spoiler for not yet in anime:

But then, it is anime... There's only so much they can do in the end. Even the surprise ending (of the anime, ie volume 4) might seem to come out of nowhere if they don't include some of the monologues, especially of Iori and Taichi.

EDIT: Reading the posts above, basically the new novel is now another main story and not a third short story collection? (9th novel released overall)
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