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Old 2008-11-13, 18:18   Link #715
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Originally Posted by Magin View Post
Well, the Master as he is is quite old... is Gildartz even older?
no clue, but it could be...
point is, there is "something" about Gildartz that makes him impossible, as master sees it, to be the master of the guild
Originally Posted by Darklord_bg View Post
It's just that if Luxus loses to Erza, I'll totally lose all respect for his character. Erza is strong, but she also has a cool personality and gets along with people quite well. Luxus has been a big a$$hole so far and the only thing that will redeem his character in my eyes is if he's ridiculously strong. His whole character is based on strength, he is obsessed with strength, so without strength his character is just a big jerk. Usually in shounen manga the stronger characters have big personality issues or temperamental quirks in order to balance them out and seem more human. Of course, there are those characters who have no merits what-so-ever and just suck, but I do not think this is the case with Makarov's grandson.
The thing is though, Luxus isn't just a powerful jerk, he's a powerful jerk antagonist... And when it comes down to it, no matter how powerful an antagonist is they are destined to be defeated.

Luxus is a powerful jerk, but he needs to grow in someway... like you said if he didn't have his power he would just be a jerk; well him growing up from a jerk would fix that... as i'll explain below, his character would get a lot more by beng beaten by a peer like Ezra
Furthermore, I do not think that Erza is the right person to defeat Luxus from a storyline perspective. Makarov could defeat him in order to teach him a lesson and discipline his grandson. Natsu could defeat him, since he is the main character and it will be a necessary step in his development. Gazille could defeat him since he has a personal grudge against him. The only incentive Erza has to fight him is to save the other Fairy Tail members - which they all share. I'm not discounting the possibility, I just think prom a story perspective, she is not the best match-up against Luxus.
But there IS a story reason for Ezra... she may not have a personal reason for beating him, but as i said, beating Luxus could be the thing that Master needs to see that convinces him that Ezra is capable enough to be the next guild leader.

Frankly, i think Natsu has been growing too much in strength... i mean, it's gotten to the point where we expect him to loose. Sure he lost agaisnt the owl guy, but considering how weak that guy is it's seen less like Natsu wasn't strong enough and more like the owl won because of a fluke... I think natsu could use a nice hard loss to remind him where he stands; a loss where it is clear that he was overpowered outright. i think natsu gets more out of being reminded that he isn't the strongest around... one thing that bugged me a bit about fairytail was how Natsu, gray and their like started out as some of the strongest characters and that doesn't give them too far to grow; unlike naruto and one piece where the characters start off weak and must work their way up the ladder which is a very far climb... we need that reminder that natsu does still have space to grow and isn't already the toughest guy around

And Luxus, i think he would not gain much in character from fighting the master... by the fact that he imprisioned the master it just tells us that he is not confident that he could win such a fight... loosing when he expects loosing is possible would not allow him to grow... the best way for him to grow is by getting beaten by a peer as they are someone that Luxus is confident that he can beat. Loosing in that case would send off the message that he ISN'T the strongest and thus has no reason to be a jerk about it
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