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Old 2013-09-15, 17:34   Link #2003
Join Date: Jul 2013
Scherazade didn't die. Her daughter did. Scherazade is an old woman in some tomb in Reim. We really aren't going to see what she looks like at 270 years old? Mu isn't going to give her a proper good-bye?

Mogamett hurt alot more people than those in the Furnace. It's great that he's accepting some responsibility for what he did, but then he says shit about returning people to the white flow when the black flow is as a close to justice as that world gets. Can't it just be accepted that some people are bad and get what they deserve?

Ugo is rebuilding his body! You can see his neck and shoulders. Unless his little critters built a statue for him to rest his head on.

Some people are better than others. The only thing that's equal is that we were all born in the first place.

I'm confused about Yamu. She was born in a high ranked family, but because of Mogamett's revolution there was a risk of her being killed for being a Magician? Otherwise she might have been in a position to exact reform from within the palace?
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