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Old 2007-12-23, 14:00   Link #25
Twisted Reality
Is Neither Goth Nor Emo
Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by hobbes_fan View Post
I never understood the concept of hacks in fps. ( I sort of get it in MMORPG's where levelling up/gold/cash helps with the grind ). But in FPS I just don't get it. Wall hack/map hacks are uneccessary if you know how to play. I mean you play long enough you know where the hiding spots are. I mean 99% of the time standard intrusion techniques (watch any good swat doco) will prevent you from getting fragged repeatedly.

Oh when I mean finesse I don't mean sniping at distance. I generally meant a little common sense. Don't lock in on the kill zone, check around. Use silenced weapons, listen to where the gunfire is from, if you listen properly you should be able to figure out how many players in the firefight maybe a little more specific direction where they are in relation to each other. Use appropriate weapons, shotties/grenades and rapid fire weapons in cramped spaces. I can't belive how many noobs run around with rifles/pistols in tight environments.

I try to get through games without getting fragged once.
Mind you, I'm not commenting on your idea of finesse. I was really talking about this annoying sniper-fetish some people have. If you've ever played Halo PC, or Halo 2 (God help you) then you will understand the phenomenon where you are team-killed because you're "not skilled enough to use the sniper rifle." This same person who killed you has the self-control and intellectual maturity of an 8-year old. Ironically, this means that this person is actually worse than you at sniping. Inevitably, you run into people named stupid things like "5niper" or "Sniper645" or "AwesomeSniper2445." (They all suck at sniping.)

But my favorite newbie flaw, of all time, has to be misfired rockets. Rockets are almost impossible to miss with at close range, yet there are people who will insist on shooting over your shoulder instead of at your feet. Said rocket whizzes over your shoulder into the distance. This is pretty much the moment you gleefully smash-in your assailant's face for failing. It is hilarious.

And I agree with you that effect:death ratio is the truest measure of skill. In death match, it isn't about the number of kills you score, but the kills-to-death ratio. On objective maps, this will be an flagcap-to-death ratio (and so on). Any sot can score a one-to-one kill ratio, but that pretty much means you haven't advanced your team in a death match at all since you've been feeding points to the other team as fast as you gain them.
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