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Old 2017-01-18, 10:36   Link #125
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Join Date: Oct 2016
Originally Posted by Skaddix View Post
Yeah they kinda do need to cut ties. Cant Be King of Mars when a mobster is giving you orders.
Precisely. Or when the mafia is siphoning away profits from the already weak economy to line their pockets.

Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
They have no relation with Nobliss though. And to effectively "rule" Mars they will need connections. Actually it would be better if Tekkadan is not completely dependent on Gjalahorn good will and second backer should give them more freedom than they would have if they were affiliated with either one.
Connections are what McGillis and Isurugi were effectively building up for them a few eps ago, tightly packing Orga's schedule with all those meet'n'greet events with all the big wigs of Mars.

And a guy that tried to kill you for profit and will try to again at the drop of a hat if he doesn't like you trying to bring peace and end conflicts which he profits from is probably more dangerous as a so called backer than an openly hostile enemy.

Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
Perhaps its time to change the relationship rather than get rid of it. Considering how McGillis' deal gives them total control over Mars Gjallarhorn branch to do with what they will, I'm guessing they will basically have autonomy there but still maintain an alliance with Inner sphere Gjallarhorn that's under McGillis.
They could do the same with Teiwaz. Change from being a subsidiary under McMurdo, and instead partner with him as an equal? It would be hard, but it is doable.
I'm starting to think that it will depend on what happens to Barriston in particular and Teiwaz in general. It's not impossible for Teiwaz to break into all those smaller corporations, each with its own boss, as a result of the huge war brewing or, say, Barriston dying, his possible successors Naze and Jasley also dead, with infighting reaching the point where the whole conglomerate collapses.
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