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Old 2009-09-08, 02:30   Link #294
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
I had a go at compiling mplayer using pigozs instructions, with darukarus configure line, on SL. Unfortunately, make failed with
rm -f libavformat.a
ar rc libavformat.a allformats.o cutils.o metadata.o metadata_compat.o options.o os_support.o sdp.o utils.o avio.o aviobuf.o raw.o id3v1.o id3v2.o aiff.o riff.o amr.o apc.o ape.o asfdec.o asf.o asfcrypt.o avlanguage.o assdec.o au.o avidec.o avs.o vocdec.o voc.o bethsoftvid.o bfi.o c93.o daud.o dsicin.o dv.o dxa.o eacdata.o electronicarts.o ffmdec.o flacdec.o oggparsevorbis.o flic.o flvdec.o 4xm.o gxf.o idcin.o iff.o img2.o ipmovie.o iss.o lmlm4.o matroskadec.o matroska.o isom.o mm.o mmf.o mov.o mp3.o mpc.o mpc8.o mpeg.o mpegts.o msnwc_tcp.o mtv.o mvi.o mxfdec.o mxf.o ncdec.o nsvdec.o nutdec.o nut.o nuv.o oggdec.o oggparseflac.o oggparseogm.o oggparsespeex.o oggparsetheora.o oma.o pva.o qcp.o r3d.o rl2.o rmdec.o rm.o idroq.o rpl.o segafilm.o siff.o smacker.o sol.o soxdec.o psxstr.o swfdec.o thp.o tiertexseq.o tmv.o tta.o txd.o vc1test.o sierravmd.o vqf.o wav.o wc3movie.o westwood.o wv.o xa.o yuv4mpeg.o 
ranlib: archive member: libavformat.a(avlanguage.o) cputype (7) does not match previous archive members cputype (16777223) (all members must match)
ranlib libavformat.a
ranlib: archive member: libavformat.a(avlanguage.o) cputype (7) does not match previous archive members cputype (16777223) (all members must match)
make[1]: *** [libavformat.a] Error 1
make: *** [ffmpeg/libavformat/libavformat.a] Error 2
The only divergence from instructions was when i freaked after seeing xvid and x264 of the disabled codecs line, and installed them with macports.

I'm gonna try starting clean again, but I'm posting this first, does anyone have any idea why it failed? My only guess is that some parts from my failed x86 compile were left behind to confuse the x86_64 compiler.

Also, what did qtx, liba52, and mp3lib do and why were they disabled? Didn't they compile on 64bit?

EDIT: Okay, a make clean, reconfigure and make once more generated a working executable! Not only that, a few command line tests show it does play ordered chapters! Only issue now is that it was lagging mightily on 480p, but it's quite possible other apps are causing that. Anyone else having performance issues? Also, is this compile multi-threaded?
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