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Old 2007-03-02, 16:32   Link #7
Ninja Emperor
Join Date: Oct 2004
Age: 39
Originally Posted by Mr. Johnny 5 View Post
There are 7 members left...

I'm referring to Akatsuki remaining who's identities are unknown...

Miss unknown
This is the only truly unknown Akatsuki left. On the cover of chapter 317 the back of the member's head (with blue hair). And the silhouette illustrates a person with long feminine hair (although like Deidara this could just be a feminine guy ).

If his powers would be like the Kyuubi then you talk about:

- Fast healing/regeneration
- Massive amount of Chakra (i think Kisame has the most atm)
- Able to deflect things with chakra
- Create a very dense chakra armour/bombs/extra bodies/chakra arms etc.

I no...we had only 1 good look at his face....and he seems a Kinjutsu (Forbidden Techniques) user. Techniques of the underworld. (Hands of Hades, being transparent (i think), using other bodies to transform them into original (akatsuki) members/shinobi however they are left behind with 30% of their own max chakra.
(perhaps the ultimate form of Kage Bunshin No Jutsu or its creator the person who invented it)
He has displayed some very interesting techniques but I would hope that he is not simply a rip off of Naruto.

As Kyuubi is a fox who are believed in Japanese folklore to be very cunning and wise (traits that Kyuubi possesses) we would expect the leader to have very creative jutsu.

So far that holds true. He does appear to have very useful jutsu such as the Akatsuki clones ( those mirror clones that fought Team Gai may also be one of his jutsu).

He also displayed telepathy when he ordered Kakuzu and Hidan to return for the sealing of a Bijuu.

So that gives us some ideas of what he is like. But I'm interested in what type of jutsu he uses in combat.
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