Thread: Crunchyroll Hunter X Hunter Anime (2011)
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Old 2011-10-02, 09:47   Link #185
Join Date: Sep 2011
Originally Posted by Toto y Moi View Post
I think that the choice to give Kurapika a feminine voice was in order to do another one of these retcons. Togashi has never fully revealed whether or not Kurapika is male or female. In all of Togashi's series, at least one character does something atypical with gender (and gender roles as a consequence). Hunter x Hunter is a prime example of this. Many characters who look like women are actually men, and vice-versa. Often times, he doesn't ever give a clear answer (i.e. in the case of Neferpitou).

Kurapika's gender is intentionally ambiguous, and this episode only added to the question of whether or not he's hiding that. The scene where Kurapika refuses to tell his reasons for trying to become a Hunter was adapted quite differently than the original series. Quote:

"That said, if I were to tell you the truth, I would be exposing my deepest secrets."

In that instance, he clutches his robes over his heart and the camera pans down to his chest. Also, Kurapika and Leorio's tension in this episode could be interpreted as romantic tension. Of course, Togashi doesn't give a shit about traditional gender roles and relationships--anything goes.
That would a fascinating twist. If Kurapica turns out to be a girl, that would lend some possibilities to future character development.

My impression of Leorio in the first series was that he was the weakest of the four main leads. If Kurapica and Leorio have a romance, it would be interesting to see whether Leorio continues to be weak. Because Kurapica is pretty much a combat-monster after he gets some training.

Then again, anime often has combat-capable female leads in romances with wimpier males.
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