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Old 2010-08-26, 04:14   Link #235
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 35
Originally Posted by gummybear View Post
if I don't get to play when I want to play, I play something else and forget about it. 8 hours play time a week is just retarded because that's how long it would take to get a fkin party going for 20 minutes before someone has to leave :P
Exactly. How retarded can it get? Won't it be easier if they just raise the max levels?

In multi-skilled MMOs like Runescape, you need to have a good gameplan and experience table per level. I used to play runescape and had over 700+ skill levels on all the non-member skills, and that required alot of time for bartering, trading for raw materials, turning them into equipment and items, then selling them.

Nonetheless, it is fun - my character doesn't get goddamn rich from buying and reselling coal - I turn them into steel bars for 100% profit and repeat the process (it used to be 100gc per coal and 50gc per iron, but thanks to inflation and that stock exchange, it became 150gc per coal and 100gc per iron. So the original cost of making a steel bar jumped from 250gc to 400gc).

MMOs are grindfests anyway no matter how much less you make it to be. But multiple skills made it much more fun - I played runescape for 2 entire years before hiatusing.

P.S I still have a Santa hat which costs 200k back when I bought it. Now it is over 200 million.

When three puppygirls named after pastries are on top of each other, it is called Eclair a'la menthe et Biscotti aux fraises avec beaucoup de Ricotta sur le dessus.
Most of all, you have to be disciplined and you have to save, even if you hate our current financial system. Because if you don't save, then you're guaranteed to end up with nothing.
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